Exemption from renewal of road tax measure extended

The government has extended the exemption from renewing road tax and driver's license measures for another 60 days!
According to Transport Minister Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong, the measures to exempt private cars from renewing road tax (Road Tax) and driving license (Driving License) will be extended again. Road tax and driver's licenses that expired during April and May will also be exempt.
If your private car road tax and driver's license expired in February and March, you have until May 31 to renew it. If your private car road tax and driver's license expired in April and May, you have until July 31 to renew.
At present, private cars across the country are exempt from renewal road tax, but the premise is that they must hold valid car insurance. This is to avoid problems with claims in the event of an accident. Commercial vehicles are subject to road tax renewal.
This measure is limited to private cars, and road tax must be renewed for commercial vehicles.
According to Transport Minister Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong, the measures to exempt private cars from renewing road tax (Road Tax) and driving license (Driving License) will be extended again. Road tax and driver's licenses that expired during April and May will also be exempt.
If your private car road tax and driver's license expired in February and March, you have until May 31 to renew it. If your private car road tax and driver's license expired in April and May, you have until July 31 to renew.
At present, private cars across the country are exempt from renewal road tax, but the premise is that they must hold valid car insurance. This is to avoid problems with claims in the event of an accident. Commercial vehicles are subject to road tax renewal.
This measure is limited to private cars, and road tax must be renewed for commercial vehicles.
Aug 21,2023